domingo, 17 de enero de 2021

RaspberryPi + Domoticz + USB HDD to Solve SD life expectancy

After 5 years using Domoticz on a Raspberry in different homes, I have found that the SD cards with this type of server end up being corrupted, to avoid this problematic is common the generation of backups from time to time so when comes the day it stops working we can clone the SD from the image that we extracted in the last backup. 

As a solution to this problem we have the use of an HDD either mechanical or SSD, many of these have dropped in price then I have considered that it was a good improvement to the system,

Down I am attaching a link with which you can clone the SD to a HDD connected by USB, plus some points to keep in mind:

- The HDD must be externally powered so that when the Raspberry boots the HDD is already on to start the boot sequence, there are SATA cables with external power supply or USB HUBS with this feature as well.

- You must activate the option in the Raspberry to boot from USB and this is done by recording an SD for that matter.

In a next article I will show you another improvement with a UPS for RASPBERRY with control of power parameters by Domoticz (Voltage, Current, Power and % of battery) that will allow us to have power in case of power failure and that can also power the USB HDD as well.

P.D. - Maybe if after all the Raspberry not boot with the new HDD te next step is  to verify  PARTUUID for the root partition is correct in /boot/cmdline.txt and /etc/fstab and correct or disable UUID.

domingo, 3 de enero de 2021

Apple Watch option with Roller Skating after EOF of Endomondo? - Welcome again Sport Tracker !!

 After a couple of weeks looking for a Iphone App with the option to select the Skating / Roller Sport option I remebered a old App thaht i was using years ago with Nokia, and yes is still Alive and has the App for the Apple Watch with the complete list of Sports showed on the Iphone App also showed on the Apple Watch (This is rare but a lot of Sport Iphone apps don`t show all options of the diferrents sports on the Apple Watch)

Old Sport Tracker screen on Symbian Nokia Phones:

And the App is still alive after a lot of years and updated (Iphone/Watch Version..)

sábado, 22 de agosto de 2020

Control Consumo Router 4G Huawei con Domoticz

 Hoy os traigo los Script para lanzar a Domoticz los consumo de Datos de un HUAWEI, en mi caso es el HUAWEI 4G Router 3 Pro B535-235 , un router con magnificas calificaciones en varios Foros (Y por el momento también para mi..) , ideal ademas si tienes que hacer uso de antenas externas para mejorar la cobertura en zonas rurales.

Adelantar que para sistemas Windows hay Software de control y Gestion interesantes como:

Pero si queremos dejarlo todo integrado en la misma RaspBerry junto a Domoticz esta es la via...

Antes de todo tendremos que instalar la API de Huawei.

Una vez disponemos de la API ya es lanzar consultas y formatear los datos e inyectarlos a Domoticz, yo tengo 2 Scripts, uno de consumo Total y otro de Consumo de la Ultima hora (para notificaciones de exceso de trafico mediante Domoticz).

El Contador de Consumo Total se resetea según la programación que hayais hecho al rotuer via la APP de Huawei, yo lo tengo puesto al dia "1" del mes.

sábado, 9 de mayo de 2020

Mis primeros contactos con equipos Informaticos

Mi primer ordenador un MSX con unidad lectora de Casettes y un monitor COLOR, magnificas horas de Juegos y muchas mas de Programación en BASIC.

Y le siguió mi primer  PC un Amstrad con CPU 8086  y 512Kb de RAM con MSDOS y unidad de Diskette de 5 1/4 y para TOP un Disco Duro en Tarjeta de 20 Megas!:

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