Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Iphone. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Iphone. Mostrar todas las entradas

domingo, 3 de enero de 2021

Apple Watch option with Roller Skating after EOF of Endomondo? - Welcome again Sport Tracker !!

 After a couple of weeks looking for a Iphone App with the option to select the Skating / Roller Sport option I remebered a old App thaht i was using years ago with Nokia, and yes is still Alive and has the App for the Apple Watch with the complete list of Sports showed on the Iphone App also showed on the Apple Watch (This is rare but a lot of Sport Iphone apps don`t show all options of the diferrents sports on the Apple Watch)

Old Sport Tracker screen on Symbian Nokia Phones:

And the App is still alive after a lot of years and updated (Iphone/Watch Version..)

domingo, 3 de diciembre de 2017

Bad Bluetooth Range or GPS accuracy on Iphone SE after repair ??

After a repair of Wi-Fi coverage where the Wi-Fi antenna was changed I discovered that the problem was solved but I had lost a lot of distance in Bluetooth transmittions and the GPS had also lost much accuracy and it was slow to fix the satellites, after several attempts to reinstall the Wi-Fi antenna and review the connector I discovered that there was another antenna that need to be positioned over the base motherboard during assembly, this additional antenna starts from a washer that is fastened by a screw, if the washer is positioned below the motherboard by error the connection is lost with the antenna and we lose quality, here you are some pics.

viernes, 11 de marzo de 2016

Broadlink RM PRO + Android Bridge + Iphone (Jailbreak) + Siri = Voice commands!

Hello everyone, today I'll show how to control the BroadLink with voice commands from an iPhone with the vocal assistant Siri, due to the restrictions on Iphone we will use a android tv or a fixed mobile phone Android in the fixed at home as a bridge between the BroadLink and Iphone.

In the next video you can see the BroadLink and Android phone that bridges with Iphone.

These commands can be used also from the handsfree in the car for instance to open the garage when you arrive home. (Spanish Video)


On the android device we need the Broadlink APP configured and a Bridge via HTTP request, for the bridge I use  Google Play RM PLUGIN, after we active te HTTP Bridge we can activate the applications using a http request.

☑ HTTP Bridge
This app acts as a HTTP Bridge and let you control your Broadlink devices via simple HTTP urls (a.k.a curl commands). API syntax are extremely user-friendly and well-documented right inside the app. It is now much easier to integrate RM device into your home automation setup.

After that with a Iphone with Jailbreak and:

- Cydia assistant+
- Activator & Plugin  Activate command (or Activate Link)

Example using Activate Command Line with speaking feedback:

siriSay "Executing xxx" && curl -s -S --connect-timeout 3 '' | grep successfully > /private/var/tmp/auto.log && siriSay "Executed" || siriSay "Fail"

Thats all!!!

domingo, 6 de marzo de 2016

Broadlink RM PRO + Old Android Phone (S2) Android 4.4 + Google Now Launcher + TASKER APP + AUTOVOICE & RM (Tasker Plugins) = OK GOOGLE

Control IR + RF devices with your voice using  OK GOOGLE.

Bueno, lo dicho, después de presentaros el BroadLink RM PRO ( ) aquí os dejo un video de como se puede conseguir integrarlo con comandos de Voz en un Android con Google Now "Ok Google"...

En breve os mostrare como integrar el Broadlink RM PRO con Iphone y Siri!!! - InPhOwEr

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